Ladies & gentlemen, as a Grammarian, I will be paying close attention to all speakers including all meeting role volunteers as well by listening carefully to their language use.

I’ll take note of any misuses of the English language, as well as any outstanding words, quotes, sayings, or thoughts.

As Grammarian, it is also my duty to introduce the Word of the Day.The Word of the Day is to help fellow members to enrich your vocabulary in preparing your speech.Fortoday’smeeting,theWord of the Day is xxx,whichmeans xxx. Anexampleofusingtheword could be xxx.

You are encouraged to use Word of the Day as frequent as you could in this meeting and I will count how often it was used by each speaker. I will provide my report at the end of the meeting.

Back to you, MC of the Evening.

Thank you.

[List those who used the word of the day]

[Improper Grammatical Uses/Suggestions for Improvements: You may jot down any inappropriate use of English, such as wrong pronunciation, confusing metaphors, badly structured sentences, implicit use of words etc. As we aim to provide an encouraging environment to learn public speaking, I suggest you only include the bad use of English as long as you could provide constructive feedback in your report. Otherwise, as a start, pay attention only to the good use of English instead.]

NameImproper UseSuggestion

List Quotes, Thoughts, Words, or Sayings that you Liked:

NameWhat did they say?


Dear ladies & gentlemen, it is my pleasure listening to your speeches and I do find a few excellent use of English!

I would like to share for example (good use of English) xxx

Meanwhile, I would like to point out some of the words and sentences that can be improved for example (bad use of English) xxx

Meanwhile, I am happy to see that some members are eager to use the World of the Day, we have (names) used the World of the Day for x times, great job!

As you can see, this world is really helpful in conveying your message, I hope everyone can use it more often in your future speech.

Back to you, MC of the Evening.