CUKRUN Speech Contest Requirements



Participants are encouraged to present their speech on any topic; however, sensitive topics related to Race, Religion and Politics should be avoided. 


No visual aids or props may be used during the speech delivery.


Timing of the speech: 

Prepared speech shall be given between five to six minutes. Timing will begin with the contestant’s first definite verbal or nonverbal communication with the audience.


Sanction points will be given to contestants not meeting the time limits: if the speech is less than 4 minutes 30 seconds or more than 6 minutes 30 seconds.


Marking Criteria: 

The marking scheme is composed of three main sections: content, delivery and language.

  1. Content: 

In this section, the judges will assess the speech development and the speech value. 


Speech development: A structured speech must include an opening, body and conclusion. A good speech has the following points:

a.         immediately engages the audience’s attention

b.         the body of the speech is logically structured so the audience can follow

c.          has a significant conclusion 

A good speech is also supported by solid arguments, relevant examples and illustrations, interesting facts and figures


Speech value: The speaker has a responsibility to say something meaningful and original to the audience. The listeners should feel the speaker has made a contribution to their thinking. 


2. Speech delivery

In this rubric, the judges will grade the speech delivery and effectiveness. 


A great presentation delivery is supported by: 

a.         effective body language (gestures, expressions, body positioning)

b.         a clear and flexible voice (variety of rate and volume)

c.          an enthusiastic and confident communication


An effective speech is measured by the audience’s reception of the speech, so a large part is the evaluator’s subjective judgement of how the speech came across. You should ask yourself questions such as: “was the audience’s interest held by the speaker?”, “was I able to determine the speaker’s purpose?”, “was I convinced by his/her arguments?”


3. Language

The judges will assess the contestant’s proper use of grammar and correct pronunciation. Language should promote a clear understanding of thoughts and should fit the occasion precisely. The choice of words by the contestants should be appropriately related to the speech purpose/topic and the particular audience hearing the speech.