线上讲座 | 如何在英国求职市场营销工作 | QUMIN | Arnold Ma




How to find a marketing job in the UK


1. Arnold’s personal experience in marketing 

  • How he got into the industry, why he loves it
  • What he learned from his previous marketing jobs
  • How he built the Qumin Group (Qumin, Dao Insights, OneTea Media, 666)

2. Arnold’s advice to those who want to start their career in marketing

  • What you need to do to get into marketing as a career
  • What types of marketing jobs there are in the UK
  • What are main skills an interviewer looks for in a marketing role

嘉宾简介: Arnold Ma

  • 欧洲第一家华人创意机构Qumin创始人
  • 草根运动EveryAsianVoice发起人
  • 演讲家 / 作家 / 播客主持人
  • “喜欢穿人字拖上班的怪大叔”

“Over a steamed bun in Camden Town, I‘ll tell you that my bigger purpose in life is to ‘Open The World To China’. And my belief is that only Digital can make that happen quickly. “ —— Arnold




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