什么是Cover Letter?

Cover Letter 向雇主展示你为什么需要对你所要申请的岗位感兴趣,且适合.

通常它与你的CV相辅相成,他们的区别在于,CV相对更为general,可能一份CV几乎不用怎么做修改就可以用于申请多个不同的公司或岗位,然而cover letter则要根据特定公司和对应的目标岗位定制。

Cover Letter 绝不是对CV的简单重复。如果说你的经历是一部电影,简历就是剧情介绍(trailer),而cover letter就好像是影评。剧情介绍只是描述故事,但是影评帮你从简单的看剧情,升华到了解通过剧情导演想向观众表达什么样的价值观,这个升华就是cover letter应该起的作用。因此,Cover Letter 是对CV的升华。


影评是升华电影的主旨,而cover letter是将个人的经历升华到通用的技能,以及该技能能给未来的老板带来什么价值这个灵魂高度上,这才会是一篇打动人的cover letter。


比如你曾经帮教授做过一个研究项目,你的工作是用Excel收集整理数据,以支持教授的论点。在简历里,这个经历就是一个bullet point:

“Collected and organized data to support the research project.”

如果你在cover letter里也只摆这么一句:

“I helped my professor organize data for his research paper.”


Through my research experience with Professor XXX, I gained solid data analytical skill and become an expert on Excel and VBA. Moreover, I was able to work with massive unstructured datasets and extract useful insight from it. I believe these skills are critical for the Business Analyst role and I am well prepared to bring them to the team and add value to the clients and the company.

同样一个经历,咱不只是平铺直叙的说自己做了什么,而点出了自己在这个经历中获得的transferable skills:data analytical and Excel skills。最后咱还点出了这两个技能为什么很重要,因为你招聘的这个职位需要嘛!我不仅知道你想要什么,还都给你切好块儿拨好皮送到你嘴边了,你一张嘴就能咬上,你说如果你还不选我,你四不四sa?


I gained first-hand knowledge of the challenges of operating within a global firm.

My role provided me with the opportunity to impact [Current Company’s] global innovation strategy, while also ensuring my recommendations were instantly implementable and results driven.

Growing a student organization from scratch instilled in me leadership, teamwork, and people skills that I believe are a great asset for a consultant.

In addition to my exposure to the technical skills required for a position within marketing, my past experience has prepared me to be a strong and innovative leader within the marketing profession.

Cover Letter 的结构说明

不超过一页A4纸 (如果是hard copy, 使用质量好的A4 白纸,如何是电子文档,使用PDF而非Doc.文件),控制在3-4段之内,应包括的关键内容:

  • 你为什么要申请这家公司?
  • 什么使你对所申请的岗位感兴趣 (Why you are interested?)
  • 为什么你认为自己可以胜任该职位 (why you are a good fit?)
  • 你拥有什么soft skills 以及在这个岗位上你可以给公司带来什么



  • 简要介绍自己 ( What you are studying and where etc.)
  • 明确目标岗位,以及如何知道这家公司/岗位 (如果你路子广,和这个公司的其他人已经networking过,要提一下这些connection)
  • 说明什么时候毕业(或预计何时毕业),学位情况等

[Sample 1]

My name is XXX and I am currently a Graduate student in the YYY Business School of ZZZ University/an Analyst at AAA Company. I was recently introduced to your firm via BBB (Contact at Firm)and was impressed with what I learned of [Your Culture / Working Environment / Company-Specific Info.]. I am interested in pursuing an Investment Analyst position at your firm and have enclosed my resume and background information below.

[Sample 2]

Through my research of your firm, as well as conversations with XXX at your New York office at recruiting events, I believe certain characteristics of [firm name] are a good fit for my strengths and values.

[Sample 3]

After speaking with several employees across the firm, I strongly believe that [Firm Name]’s business model and culture of innovation have built a firm that is both an industry leader and a great place to work. I would add value to [Firm Name]’s team because my professional and academic careers have prepared me to execute complex projects, manage high-stakes relationships, and provide strategic advice to help my clients grow.


解释你为什么对这份工作感兴趣,以及为什么选择这家公司。 可以从公司名声,地理位置, 企业文化,培训体系,晋升机会,行业资质等多方面入手(“拍马屁”)。

同时确保务必把这些原因和自身相联系——“为什么以上这些方面的原因对你来说很重要?”通过在cover letter中阐述你对目标公司业务的理解,和他们的优势,来表明你对潜在的未来雇主和所在行业已经有一定程度的了解,和你选择他们的具体原因

第三段 (Sell yourself, 重中之重)

总结自身优势,以及解释为什么你的知识和技能让你成为一个合格的候选人。一定要在该公司和你自身之间“牵线搭桥”—— 公司价值观或目标如何与你个人目标相契合? 你可以为公司提供什么与相关的工作经验或者技能?是否符合目标岗位所要求的基本技能,知识等?


While working as an Analyst at the University of XXX Student Managed Fund this summer, I analyzed the domestic and foreign competitors and developed a framework for investing in that industry, which I used to create my industry report and company analysis of my best idea, Lululemon Athletica Inc. (Ticker: LULU). I leveraged interviews with management teams, industry experts, customers, and sell-side analysts to develop an understanding of the value drivers and economic structure of the apparel clothing business. As a result of my report and ability to articulate my thesis to portfolio managers, our funds purchased LULU. These skills combined with my prior consulting experience, CFA study (passed Levels I and II), and coursework at University of YYY are a great fit for what you are seeking in an Investment Analyst at your company.

第四段 (Optional)

在这里写下其他任何的相关点,比如:你期望从这份工作中获得什么,以及它如何与你的职业发展道路相契合?一定要强调自己多么多么适合这个职位 (要非常诚恳和热情)最后总结,表明自己可接受面试的时间,并诚恳表示你希望得到答复。

My past experiences and education have prepared me to deliver real value for [FirmName]’s clients. I have attached a copy of my resume for your review, and I would welcome the opportunity to further demonstrate my interest in the position by discussing my skills and background with you in more detail at your convenience.


如何“量身定做”Cover Letter

  • 仔细研究考量你所要申请岗位的Job Description, 抓住关键词,揣摩雇主所强调和寻找的申请人的能力和特质;
  • 根据上述分析出来的结果,与自身情况相结合,将雇主的期待和自身具备的经验和技能等联系起来,从而说服雇主你可以胜任这个岗位


  1. 称谓要有礼貌 e.g. “Dear Mr Smith,”… 不要直呼其名,比如:“Dear John Smith”。如果不知道收信人的姓名,则使用“Dear Sir or Madam”
  2. 落款:在正式的英文邮件中,“Your sincerely”与“Yours faithfully”是常用的两个落款,它们都相当于汉语正式书信结尾处常用的“谨启”如果知道收信人的姓名,在结尾处通常以“Yours sincerely (您诚挚的)”落款,如果信件以“Dear Mr X”或“Dear Miss Y”开头,则往往以“Your sincerely + 发信人姓名”结束
  3. 使用简明现代的商务英语,避免使用过时的语言,比如“I remain your obedient servant”.


如果直接发给Hiring manager 的Cover Letter长时间收到任何回应,可以礼貌地发封邮件问询。因为有申请材料被系统过滤到垃圾邮箱的可能性。Just in case. It is better to pester than not to say anything and then you don’t hear anything at all.